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Oncology Counsellors for Psychosocial Care

Oncology Counsellors for Psychosocial Care

What is an oncology counsellor?

Our oncology counsellors and counsellors are available to walk the cancer journey with our patients and their families, answer their questions honestly and lend an ear when it is needed. In this way, our patients receive the aid they need to deal with their realities and put coping mechanisms in place.


They are qualified to assist with a wide range of issues associated with the illness, including those of a social and physiological nature. Our oncology counsellors are also involved in research surrounding cancer, and can help to recommend useful resources for patients, families and caregivers.


DMO strives to provide a professional, compassionate and supportive environment; and to do so in a sustainable and conscientious manner. In keeping with this vision, our oncology counsellors work hard to provide a treatment environment that upholds the dignity of our patients and that is supportive of their needs, from both physical and psychosocial viewpoints. Our patients are at the centre of what we do, and providing psychosocial care is an integral part of the recovery process.


Why see an oncology counsellor?
The experience of dealing with cancer can be very stressful, and it can be helpful to consult with a professional who is able to address any questions and concerns you have along the way.


Oncology counsellors are available to provide counselling, either on an individual basis, or within a support group. They can also help with practical considerations, like finding services to help with transport and home care. Having someone to assist with these types of issues can go a long way in alleviating some of the stress and fatigue that comes with dealing with your illness.


They are also experienced to assist you with some of the day to day issues that you may be dealing with for the first time, for example: medical boarding and temporary disability processes.